Thursday, November 6, 2008


This blog was originally begun to report Larry Piper's Progress in surgery and at Beaumont. Not having posted anything for the last few days means we are very busy making "progress" at home. So now this blog will be switching to progress at home. As one of Larry’s surgeons told him….”95% of successful recovery is the patient, only 5% can be attributed to the surgeon.”

He has now cut down his drugs by half (Vicodin and Valium) which means he sleeps less. The physician's orders say he can go down and up a flight of stairs once a day when he feels ready. Yesterday he went 3/4 of the way down and back up. Today his plans are to make it all the way down to his precious computers. Now let's see if I put the commode down there along with some water and maybe a PB&J sandwich, I might keep him down there for the day. :o)

His biggest challenge right now is his inability to sit for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. His limit for sitting is supposed to be 30 minutes but he hasn't made it that long yet. His concern that he would "lose his marbles" from the anesthesia hasn't really been a problem. He remembers his passwords; he just can't sit long enough to use them.

Remember the phrase from our childhood "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better." I know you all will find this a little hard to believe but he has been a very good patient, following the rules. The desire to get back to his real life is a terrific motivator.

Now if I could just figure out all the nuances of this darn blogspot, I would be one happy camper. Maybe with time and some help I will be able to add pictures where I want them, add some sidebars, make a personalized header……..oh, the list goes on. The other member of Team Piper is still not yet ready for consulting.

Coach, Nurse, Chef, Cheerleader

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