I wish I had found the above cartoon to post earlier. It captures
one's true feelings following back surgery.
More signs that I am getting better
1 - I can tie my own shoes.
2 - I can pretty much shower and soap myself.
3 - I can sit much longer, up to 60 minutes at a time.
4 - I started wearing regular clothes rather than sweats.
5 - I can get in and out of the car OK.
6 - I have been off any pain pills for one week.
7 - If abandoned, I can wipe my own butt.
8 - I am making great progress (5 pages/day) writing a book.
9 - I spent 4 hours standing and sitting at our Christmas party.
10 - I am sleeping at night about the same as pre-surgery,
and the post-surgery dreaming has tapered off.
The only down side is a 3-4 pound weight gain; this seems to
be manifested in a slight swelling in the ankle area.
Larryp.s. You did click on the link didn't you ?
It is another sign that I am getting better !